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Found 55372 results for any of the keywords extreme programming. Time 0.007 seconds.
Extreme Programming: A Gentle Introduction.Extreme Programming (xp): A Gentle Introduction
Extreme Programming RulesThe rules of Extreme Programming (XP)
More XP InformationBooks about Extreme Programming (XP)
Agile Scrum Tutorials Videos Agile Software Development, Scrum, ExWorking as developers in Scrum teams, we continuously submit our code to be scrutinized by our peers. With written language being fragile and easy to misunderstand, pull requests can quickly become a breeding ground for
Agile Extreme Programming for Product Development ConsultingThe process defines the product. Our intelligent design and development process allows us to work smarter and offer more creative solutions.
Online Courses Courses - Download as a PDF or view online for free
Agile Software GuideA guide to material on about agile software development.
Advanced - Certified Scrum Developer (A-CSD) - To Be AgileBecome an Advanced Certified Scrum Developer (A-CSD) and take your Scrum Developer Certification to the next level. Put theory into practices with more than 20 hours of programming labs where you’ll build a full applicat
Testing GuideA guide to material on about testing software systems.
Free and Open Source Project Management ToolsFree and Open source software project management tools: Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Lean, Gantt, WBS, PERT, Backlog, sprint, planning, estimating, tracking, scheduling, requirements
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